February Birthstone-Amethyst
Meet the Amethyst
The amethyst’s color is not set, shifting between strong purple to transparent lavender. Sometimes you can also find purple amethysts with white veins.
The source of amethysts as gemstones is in a crystalline mineral from the quartz family. The stone is found in transparent-lavender crystal form within rock formations and caverns. After polishing, they can be fixed as gemstones in various types of jewelry.
In Hebrew, the amethyst’s name is Achlama. The Achlama is mentioned in the Bible as one of the stones in the breastplate of the High Priest, and is attributed to the Gad tribe.
It is believed that the amethyst stone can protect the wearer from negative energies and difficult thoughts. It is recommended to those seeking inner peace, serenity and bolstered self-confidence. Its primary energetic use is as a stone that calms the mind.
The origin of its name, amethyst, stems from ancient Greece and literally means “not drunk”. In ancient Greece and Rome, it was customary to drink from wine glasses made of amethyst, in the belief that the stone could protect from intoxication.
The amethyst is one of the most recognized stones in human history. An ancient Greek legend tells of Dionysus, the god of wine, taking vengeance on a beautiful girl named Amethyst in a moment of rage and heartbreak. The girl called for help, and the gods turned her into a transparent stone, which protected her. When Dionysus found the crystallized girl, he poured a glass of wine over her, turning the stone a purplish color.

Where Can the Amethysts Be Found?
The amethyst is sourced from many places worldwide, it is a rather common gemstone that can be found on every continent. In the past the amethyst was considered a very valuable gemstone, similar to the diamond, but in light of its broad distribution across the globe its price has dropped, and today only a few specific types of amethysts have retained their value.